Fighting terrorism may seem like an overwhelming concept, but every private citizen can do their part to help. Be aware of potential threats, and alert to different forms of extremism. Report suspicious activity to local authorities, or make online reports to the federal authorities (for instance, the FBI or Department of Homeland Security in the U.S.). Donate to charities that fight global poverty, and help to prevent local terrorism by fostering better social conditions like inclusion and tolerance

Recognizing Potential Threats: 

Watch for suspicious behaviour. While large-scale, transnational terrorism has more wide-reaching effects, domestic terrorism is a more frequent occurrence in the U.S. and many other nations. Look for suspicious activity in your community to help thwart local terrorism attempts. Alert local authorities if you witness:[1]

  • Individuals amassing a large quantity of weapons, chemicals, or other potentially harmful items
  • Individuals who are not authorized security officials conducting surveillance (e.g. with binoculars, video cameras)
  • Individuals trying to gain information about secure facilities (in person, by telephone, or via email)
  • Individuals attempting to breach secured entrances

Recognize the diverse forms of extremism. To truly be vigilant and observant of suspicious behaviour, avoid narrowing your scope to a specific demographic or profile of terrorism. Violent extremism is not unique to any one social group or religious belief system, and should not be regarded as such. Make a point of being aware of suspicious activity regardless of the race, age, appearance, or social standing of the person(s) involved.

Note alarming changes in members of your community. Individuals who commit terrorist acts generally go through a period of radicalization that leads to their violent behaviour. Be on the lookout for alarming behavioural changes in colleagues, acquaintances, friends, or family that might indicate radicalization. These changes might include:[3]

  • Suddenly dropping relationships with family and long-time friends
  • Unexplained dropping of commitments (e.g. school, work)
  • A drastic change in dress, eating, sleeping, money management, or spoken language
  • Becoming antisocial and withdrawing from everyday life
  • Expressing radical or extremist views, or participating in social media networks that promote these views

Informing the Authorities:

Report potential danger to local authorities. Be sure to contact your local police department immediately if you witness suspicious events or behaviour in your area. Be sure to provide a clear, accurate account of what you saw, exactly when you saw it, where you saw it, and why you are concerned. Include concrete details about the person or persons involved, as well as any vehicles or other objects involved.[4]

  • For instance, report a suspicious event by calling local authorities and saying, “I am calling to report something suspicious that I just witnessed on the corner of 45th avenue and Center street. A man was pulling on a chain lock on the gate of a secured building and appeared to be trying to gain access. He was about 5″11, was wearing black pants and a black jacket, and appeared to be between 30-40 years old. He seemed agitated and nervous so I thought it best to report what I saw.”

Submit a tip online. If you have strong suspicions that terrorist activity is taking place, submit a tip online to the federal authorities. Online reports will be viewed by an agent or another professional staff member of the organization and handled accordingly. To report an immediate threat, find the number for your local federal security office and contact it as soon as possible.

  • In the U.S., visit the FBI website at to fill out a form for tips and public leads, which will require your name, location, contact information, and a detailed description of the suspicious activity that you witnessed.

Report possible cyber terrorism. If you suspect that a breach to cyber security has occurred (e.g. an attempt to gain unauthorized access to a secured system or its data) report it to local authorities. Finance and power systems are especially vulnerable to cyber terrorism, but security fixes and upgrades are increasingly being mounted to lower the risk of such attacks. Reporting potential threats may aid with these measures.[6]

  • If you are a U.S. resident you may also report your suspicions to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, a division of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Visit the organization’s website at to submit a report.

Improving Social Conditions:

Support charities that fight global poverty. Extreme poverty can cause a low standard of life, a sense of disenfranchisement, and a lack of opportunities. This lack of choices and hope sometimes creates a feeling of desperation that leaves young people vulnerable to recruitment by terrorist groups. Support charities that fight poverty on a global level, such as:[7]

  • Unicef
  • K.I.D.S. (Kids in Distressed Situations)
  • Interaction
  • Action Against Hunger

Do your part to combat everyday discrimination. Discrimination can cause unrest, distrust, and anger, all of which may create an environment where terrorism becomes more likely. Do your best to fight discrimination within your community on a day-to-day basis by being aware of it, denouncing it, and declining to associate with individuals who perpetuate hate against specific demographics of people. Be considerate in your dialogue and treatment of others.[8]

  • For instance, if you observe discrimination of a client or customer by an employee of a business or other organization, report the incident to their superiors as soon as possible to ensure that they will be held accountable for their behaviour.

Reach out to marginalized peers. While terrorism might seem like a huge, overwhelming phenomenon, efforts to make small-scale social improvements can help in the larger fight against it. Radicalization cannot be traced to one common cause, but it is attributed to both “push factors” (e.g. marginalization, inequality, discrimination) and “pull factors” (e.g. the appeal of extremist groups, who offer a feeling of inclusion and an outlet for grievances). Reach out to marginalized colleagues, peers, and acquaintances who may be feeling isolated to help foster a stronger, more inclusive sense of community.[9]

  • For instance, invite marginalized colleagues out for group lunches or other activities.
  • Reach out to uneasy or isolated new neighbours by making a kind gesture (bringing over a gift or offering to help with an outdoor task (e.g. shovelling the driveway).

Put terrorism into perspective. The goal of terrorism is to spread fear, so help overcome its paralyzing effects by keeping terror statistics in perspective. The odds of a U.S. citizen being killed in a terror attack are approximately one in twenty million, taking into account both home and overseas incidents. Keep this information in mind and share it when family, friends, or colleagues express anxiety about the threat of terrorist attacks.

Consider a career in counterterrorism. To really make an impact in the war against terrorism, pursue a counterterrorism career. Government agencies provide a wide variety of job opportunities in the field, while public and private organizations offer numerous positions in counterintelligence. The jobs may include:[11]

Fraud examiners, investigators and analysts

Criminal investigators

Intelligence analysts

Special forces

Business intelligence analysts

Loss prevention managers

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